Our School Garden

 Our garden offers a teaching and learning space as well as a quiet place in which to be 

The Harold school garden was established in 2008. Over the years teachers, children and parents have worked together to transform a small area of ground (approx 7 x 15 m). By converting a patch of grass into a productive garden, we have also created a highly stimulating and interactive educational resource. A polytunnel has also been added to our school garden facilities as well.

The aim is simple, to provide the opportunity for all the children to have access to this resource and to experience gardening.

We want the children to experience growing through engaging in a variety of different projects over their 8 years in the school – from growing potatoes in Junior Infants to running their own plant sale in 6th class.


The children experience all aspects of nature - from sowing seeds, talking about compost, bugs and worms, watering and weeding and then harvesting and tasting. The School gardens offers new tastes, experiences and ideas. Our garden is an organic, nurturing space which encourages biodiversity, supporting a balance of plant and animal life.